THE MURDER OF MY SWEET is a Swedish cinematic metal band founded in 2007 by drummer and producer Daniel Flores. The music is inspired by movie score, film noir storytelling and bands like Queen, E.L.O and Genesis, presented with a modern, heavy sounding production. The first lineup included Flores (drums), Angelica Rylin (vocals), Daniel Palmquist (guitars), Johan Niemann (bass) and Andreas Lindahl (Keyboard).
In 2009 THE MURDER OF MY SWEET signed with Italian Record label Frontiers Records. Their debut album titled “Divanity“ was released in January 2010 and received genuine praise from press and media all over the world. Much of the praise was directed to the heavy orchestrations and Angelicas strong, yet soaring vocals. Their first single, “Bleed me dry”, that preceded the album in December 2009 reached a peak position of 14 on the Swedish international single chart.
The summers of 2010 and 2011 the band toured in Sweden, France and Germany, playing at festivals like Sweden Rock, Rock Weekend, Baltic Festival, Raismes Fest and Wacken Open Air. The darker Nordic months were spent in the studio where Flores and Rylin worked on the follow up album.
When the management and record label didn’t agree on the direction of the second album, THE MURDER OF MY SWEET and Frontiers Records parted ways and the band signed with German label AFM Records. On May 25th 2012 the band released their second album titled “Bye, bye lullaby“. This time with a new lineup; Flores, Rylin, Christopher Vetter (guitars) and Teddy Westlund (bass). The album featured guest musicians of some of Sweden’s top of the line metal bands; Jesper Stromblad (In Flames), Peter Wichers (Soilwork) and Fredrik Akesson (Opeth). The new album prompted the band to go more commercial, chasing the success of the first single, except for the last three songs that were written to be a teaser for a third album that had already begun to grow in the minds of Rylin and Flores.
After almost three years of silence the band reunited with Frontiers Records in March 2015. The third album is darker and heavier than the first two and is described by Flores as “an apocalyptic love story between good and evil”. The album features voice actors, a boy choir and yet again a new bass player. Teddy Westlund decided to take a break from music and the band welcomed Patrik Janson (Platitude) in his place. The album was released on August 21 2015 and bears the name “Beth out of Hell“.
The new album follows on the heels of the previous record with a more straight ahead songwriting, but still offering the symphonic and cinematic elements the band is now well known for and will surely please fans of the previous albums. “Echoes of the Aftermath” shows a Nordic sound the members of the band grew up with and takes on issues more in tune with our modern day life.
The Murder Of My Sweet - "Hit The Ground" (Official Audio) #TheMurderOfMySweet #SymphonicMetal
The Murder Of My Sweet - "Head Of The Snake" (Official Audio) #TheMurderOfMySweet #SymphonicMetal
The Murder of My Sweet - "Tin Soldiers" (Lyric Video) #TheMurderOfMySweet #SymphonicMetal
The Murder Of My Sweet - "Loud As A Whisper" (Official Audio)
The Murder of My Sweet - "Shining After Dark" (Official Audio)
The Murder of My Sweet "Personal Hell" (Official Music Video)
The Murder of My Sweet - "Racing Heart" (Official Audio)
The Murder of My Sweet - The Awakening (Official / New / Studio Album / 2015)
THE MURDER OF MY SWEET - Unbreakable (2012) // Official Music Video // AFM Records
THE MURDER OF MY SWEET - Black September (2012) // Official Lyric Video // AFM Records
The Murder Of My Sweet "Follow The Rain"
The Murder Of My Sweet - Bleed Me Dry
If you noticed we are missing a video from this artist (Official one) please let us know by sending e-mail to [emailprotected]
Brave Tin World / 2019
- Album Info
- 2019
- Frontiers Records Srl
1. Tin Soldiers
2. My Religion
3. Head Of The Snake
4. Reasons To Live
5. Safe In The Shadows
6. Hit The Ground
7. Everyone Wins
8. Memento
9. Keeper Of The Flame
10. Worth Fighting For
11. Alchemy Of Sins
“Brave Tin World” is the fifth album from Swedish cinematic metal band THE MURDER OF MY SWEET, released on December 6th, 2019, through Frontiers Records Srl.
“It’s a more relaxed and mature album,”says producer and drummerDaniel Flores.“We’re currently in transition with our songwriting, trying to bring out our identity instead of our chops. Sonically, we’ve taken a step further too, concentrating on more details than before. This album has something we’ve never accomplished before. It’s a perfect balance between heavy and light and the immersion is so substantial no one will be able to deny it.”
Echoes Of The Aftermath / 2017
- Album Info
- 2017
- Frontiers Records
1. Sleeping Giant
2. Personal Hell
3. Racing Heart
4. Cry Wolf
5. Echoes of the Aftermath
6. Flatline
7. Loud as a Whisper
8. Shining After Dark
9. Ode to Everyone
10. Go On
11. In Risk of Rain
12. Inside, Outside
“Echoes Of The Aftermath” is the fourth album from Swedish cinematic metal band THE MURDER OF MY SWEET.
Beth Out Of Hell / 2015
- Album Info
- 2015
- Frontiers Records
1. Hell on Earth
2. The Awakening
3. World in Ashes
4. Always the Fugitive
5. Bitter Love
6. Still
7. The Humble Servant
8. Requiem for a Ghost
9. Euthanasia
10. Tide After Tide
11. Poets by Default
12. Heaven Succumb
13. Means to an End
“Beth Out Of Hell” is the third album from Swedish cinematic metal band THE MURDER OF MY SWEET.
Bye Bye Lullaby / 2012
- Album Info
- 2012
- AFM Records
1. Armageddon
2. Fallen
3. Unbreakable
4. I Dare You
5. Violently Peaceful
6. Meant To Last Forever
7. Idolize
8. Kind Of Lousy
9. The One
10. Resurrection
11. Waiting For The 27th (Booh Prologue)
12. Black September
13. Phantom Pain
“Bye Bye Lullaby” is the second album from Swedish cinematic metal band THE MURDER OF MY SWEET.
Divanity / 2010
- Album Info
- 2010
- Frontiers Records
1. No Evil
2. Follow The Rain
3. Bleed Me Dry
4. Chemical Attraction
5. Kiss Of Death
6. One Bullet
7. Tonight
8. Storms Of The Sea
9. Destiny
10. Revolution
11. Valerie
12. Death Of A Movie Star
13. Mistaken
“Divanity” is the debut album from Swedish cinematic metal band THE MURDER OF MY SWEET.
No news found for this band.
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