1. Qi Zhang: An electrifying organ performance | TED Talk
19 jun 2009 · Organ virtuoso Qi Zhang plays her electric rendering of "Ridiculous Fellows" from Prokofiev's "The Love for Three Oranges" orchestral suite.
Organ virtuoso Qi Zhang plays her electric rendering of "Ridiculous Fellows" from Prokofiev's "The Love for Three Oranges" orchestral suite. This exhilarating performance features the Yamaha Electone Stagea, a rare instrument specially programmed by Qi herself.

2. Qi Zhang (Q.I.) - Maastricht University
Qi Zhang is a PhD candidate in the Institute for Transnational Legal Research (METRO). She is also a member of the Ius Commune Research School.
Qi Zhang is a PhD candidate in the Institute for Transnational Legal Research (METRO). She is also a member of the Ius Commune Research School. She obtained her bachelor's degree in engineering from the Jincheng College of Sichuan University. In 2023, she graduated from the Southwest University of Political Science and Law with a Master of Law Degree.
3. Qi Zhang
I am currently a Researcher in the Visual Computing Center@Tencent AI Lab. I do research in 3D computer vision and computational photography.
Qi Zhang (张琦)
4. Q (Qi) Zhang, MSc - Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Qi Zhang (2023) - Making sense of sensitivity in the workplace: Coping with contextual information in innovation and social networks.
External PhD candidate | Department of Technology and Operations Management
5. Qi ZHANG's Homepage
Qi Zhang, Wei Lin, and Antoni B. Chan. Cross-View Cross-Scene Multi-View Crowd Counting. In: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ( ...
6. Qi Zhang's Homepage - Google Sites
Qi Zhang. Dr. Qi Zhang received his first Ph.D. from the Beijing ... [Sep 26, 2024] Two papers "NeuroClips: Towards High-fidelity and Smooth fMRI-to-Video ...
7. Qi Zhang's academic home | Academic
Zhang Qi is a first-year PhD student in the computer vision group at UvA, researching the optimization of the tracking module for Monocular Gaussian SLAM.
A highly-customizable Hugo academic resume theme powered by Wowchemy website builder.

8. Qi Zhang | IEEE Xplore Author Details
... Scene,3D Video,Ablation,Adversary Model,. Biography. Qi Zhang received the B.E. degree in electronic and information engineering from Xi'an University of ...
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9. ZHANG, Qi | School of Science and Engineering
ZHANG, Qi · Education Background. PhD(Zhejiang University). BEng (SunYat-sen University) · Research Field. Smart polymers, polymerization reaction engineering, ...
Dr. Qi Zhang is currently an Assistant Professor and Presidential Young Fellow in School of Science and Engineering. He received his B.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from Sun Yat-sen University and Zhejiang University, respectively. He worked in GE Global Research Center (Shanghai), McMaster University and Zhejiang University of Technology, before joining CUHK, Shenzhen in March 2018. Dr.
10. Qi Zhang | Ikerbasque Basque Foundation for Science
Zhang, J.; Yuan, J.; Tian, P.; Mao, J.; Zhang, Q. Article / Unveiling Challenges and Opportunities in Silicon-Based All-Solid-State Batteries: Thin-Film Bonding ...
Qi Zhang, Functional materials for energy.